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Everything posted by Sinzzu

  1. Make sure to enter the community giveaway ❤️ 

    One day left untill i pick winner.

  2. think this badges just came out in the latest forum update , it will eventually get to higher tier i belive, so keep staying active on forums.
  3. Dreams do come tru?

  4. I would personally love to see fashionscape contest return towards rhe game,all of the current ideas sounds lovely ✅ keep up the good work.
  5. Forum and ingame do not share a database, so for recovering your old account go to discord, #support section and create a ticket, and how to play now i quess the username is already taken so can try to put any avaible username and you should be good to go. Welcome Back my dude, and if you need any assistance feel free to pm me on forums ,discord or ingame.
  6. Happy weekend❤️

  7. Gotta say nice improvment on the goals so far!
  8. Welcome to forums then! If you any ingame,forum, discord related questions just feel free to hit me up.
  9. Yeah, this actually sounds great, ofcourse the numbers and rewards needs to Be Set correctly, and it would give the current forum staff something more to work on, and the lot of players who dont use the forums would come to use them and be active in hoping for rewards, also addition to this the most active members like top 3 or top5 would get more points perhaps. In my oppiniont great suggestion @Squishy and i do hope this goes through.
  10. Awesome that forum suggestions are going through, see the old content being re-added and re-worked on good job forumstaffteam?
  11. I think the bomberman and missfortune loot table, are already quite strong, so if the pets would be untradable then it would be cool to see. Battlepet option from thease pets would be interesting to see aswell.
  12. Welcome all new members & if you have any questions feel free to dm me here,ingame or discord❤️?

  13. hope you enjoy your stay! get that grinding pumping! welcome.
  14. Sinzzu


    custom rsps is a bit different from real runescape so if you feel like you need assistance feel free to pm me in here , discord or ingame.
  15. hello and welcome to redemption! feel free to pm me at any given time if need any assistance with in the game, forums or discord.
  16. Allright, Welcome to the game. I hope you enjoy your stay if you feel like trying to recover your old account make sure to join discord, and make a ticket in #support section, also if you have any questions feel free to hit me up in ing,forums or discord.
  17. Remember to join the discord for events, chilling and more!

  18. Agree on most parts, Nice feedback you have gathered. I wouldnt throw vaider under the bus for becoming cozy as a manager. Also prosignia is very active in help cc atleast.
  19. Welcome back dm me ing, discord or forums if you need any assistance
  20. welcome back Mr. Guru Love to see the Ogs return to the game you may remember me as suomitank i personally came back 3 and half months ago or so and been enoying every second for it if you need any assistance on catching up hit me up on forums/ing/disc.
  21. Nice goals hope you reach them
  22. Welcome m8, if you need any assistance feel free to hit me up ingame,forums or discord
  23. Hei nimeni on aaro hauska tutustua

    1. Flae


      Nimeni on Kasper, hauska tutustua :)

  24. Not even limes wife anymore? Good to have you back on forums
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