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Jkftw1234 last won the day on July 1 2021

Jkftw1234 had the most liked content!

About Jkftw1234

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  1. Server Down for a moment due to a disconnect Will be a dp ingame to make up for it when its back up!

  2. Definitely Agree and Resepct that. Its 100% an invasion of privacy and against the law as it is.
  3. I really like you addressing this as when Redemption was first released (the name changeover) there was a lot of rumors going around saying you had ratted servers and done various things that are now easily explained and cleared up. Hopefully people have time to read this :3
  4. Thats a beautifullie!! You came here cuz u wanted to see me ik ik im great ❤️ XD
  5. ign : jkftw1234 timezone : est
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