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Posts posted by Squishy

  1. Unfortunately Redemption doesn’t have a very active PvP scene. There’s a mini game very similar to last man standing that gets used occasionally during events, but that’s about it. Otherwise, a lot of gambling, and a lot of PvM content.


    If you have anymore questions feel free to message me.

  2. p22,


    Our Forums and Game client are not linked together. This means that you having a forums account does not mean you have a game account. To login to the game simply put a username and select a password and hit login. If it says invalid, that username is already in use and you'll have to use another.


    If you have questions, feel free to message me.



  3. Welcome back to Redemption!


    If you’re confused, I would highly recommend checking out the wiki. It has a lot of great content and will give you good information about the content you’re not aware of.


    If you need help feel free to message me ingame or on the forums.

  4. Hey man!


    Welcome to Redemption. There’s a good bit of things you can do to start out, the two most notable ones are doing Dreamland or Slayer. Slayer keys sell for 15-20m each, and the superior invites are going for about a 109m last I checked. Dreamland also has ultimate tribrid gloves and boots which sell for a couple bil.


    You should definitely checkout the wiki page for further help.


    If you need assistance feel free to message me on the forums or ingame at Squishy.


    Good luck and welcome!

  5. Welcome to the server mans!


    If you have any questions feel free to message me ingame or on the forums! Would highly recommend using the Redemption Wiki for any help.

  6. 1 hour ago, BigSyph420 said:

    was actually my next question, am i aloud to setup a GFX shop for in-game currency?


    1 hour ago, Gya said:

    For that u may ask Lt limes Or willy.

    No, in the Redemption rules it allows someone to sell Graphics or media related content for in game currency only. So as long as he is selling his content for Redemption items or money, it’s okay.


    Setup the shop mans!

  7. Has already been suggested and declined multiple times now. The admin team wants to see guides on the wiki, but I would love for them to return to the forums. This'll allow players to show off unique ways to do different things around Redemption. Whether it be ingame, on the forums, or media related.


    Massive support.

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