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7/9/2015 - In-Game Updates

Mod Blake

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[CENTER][COLOR=#ffcc99][B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=5]Server Update[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
So these are the updates I've been working on a few days:
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed verac's brassard itemslot.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Changed the wildy level interface handling - now refreshes upon new region.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]You can now pickup items 1 square away from you.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed all custom spirit shield models.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Changed the advertising filter messages.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Changed all the [SERVER] messages style.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Blocked symbols like <img, <trans, <shad, @cr etc from chat.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Added a prefix for mod tools notifications. (Example "[Mod Tools] Chuck has dropped coins.").[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Player names in Mod Tools messages are now correctly formatted.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed a dc when typing in invalid commands.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Added Bass Guitar, Golf putter, Danger cape, Tennis Racquet, Baseball bat.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed a typo on Dagannoth Locator "Telport".[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]The login & logout messages are now correctly formatted.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Dueling "Challenge" option and the walkable interface now shows straight up when teleport to duel arena.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Changed the "Duel has been cancelled (dupe detection)" message since it's very unprofessional.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]You can no longer request duel outside of duel arena using packets.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]You can no longer spam trade requests all over the server using packets.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Added a rule timer for duel interface. (If rules are changed then both players need to wait 5 seconds before accept).[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed a typo when trying to wear hats whilst hats disabled in duel.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed the name of dominion crossbow, used to be miscellania teleport.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed duel interface buttons to work with my secure interface system.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Made sure you can stake / withdraw only when the duel interface is open.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]You can no longer send duel requests if you have one open already.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]You can now reply to people who are not in your friends list![/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Added new hitsplat icons.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Added critical chance with orange hitsplat.[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=#ffffff]Fixed mage & range combat following.[/COLOR]
[I]Thank you,
Mod Blake[/I]
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