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PvP revamp op pk weapons


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I wud love to see lots of support to really get PKIng up and really going. Add some new. Op weps that wud really make it fun new pk rewards. I'd love to see pm clans out having fun killing wildy bosses the pk teleport packed! The community wud be soo much bigger! I'd love to see pk weps for like 100t or more to make pking worth it. If u think soon please let's get pvp up and running thanks for your support;)
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A few of us within the community have been pushing PKing and attempting to revive it. It seems to be working so far, as the community is starting to PK a lot more. As for adding some new weapons, that sounds like a great idea, but I believe there are many other things that need to be prioritised over this.


Thanks for the suggestion.

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I think I have an idea that may assist in this, but I'm not sure.
Let's introduce a new boss into DreamScape, let's call it The Reaper. This new boss would drop the items found at this suggestion here - http://dreamscape317.net/forum/index.php/topic/13753-soul-reaper-mage-armour-and-offhand-orb/
It would also drop a new melee weapon called the Cleanser. This would be a rapier styled weapon, that would NOT have a special attack, and would be aimed as a primary melee weapon for PvP. Stats would be unannounced, but would be the best possible melee weapon within PvP, having an extremely high DPS.
This would be considered an Ultra Rare Drop, but now here comes the part about the boss.
This boss would spawn randomly throughout the wilderness.
Here's the locations that The Reaper would spawn -



Each time that this boss would spawn, there would be some sort of hint announced in the chat. For example, "This cemetery is no longer visited by the living" would be aimed at The Forgotten Cemetery.


This boss would spawn randomly, and rarely (choice would be up to developers / administrators).


This fulfills two suggestions, and will most likely create a wilderness PK'ing Hot Spot.


Having The Reaper added into DreamScape would assist tremendously with creating new content that hasn't been seen before. Custom magic armor, custom PvP weapon, custom PvP boss / spawn pattern.


Personally, I'd love for this to be added because if I ever saw it up I'd rush to kill it in hopes of the weapon.



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