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Michael Gaming

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Status Updates posted by Michael Gaming

  1. It's been awhile Dreamscape, hasn't it ?


  2. Suffer being helper and Tyrant being Trusted Dicer

    Hows the server ? XD

    1. vl0ne


      It's very good!

  3. Huh, 2-3 years in the server and only either 32 posts and just got active to the community.

    Should've done that before...

  4. When you try to draw again but still can't draw for shit

  5. Iron gambler is dead.

    I can't see light anymore.

    1. Potentials
    2. Bodhi


      Iron doesn't  need a light.

      You need Potentials's furnace to become an molten iron.

      And yes I already found your house.. A furnace.. why do you bake yourself on that high tempature????

  6. Finally my forum account back, this time i wont forget my darn password

    1. Epok


      IKR.. Hate when you forget a password :(

  7. When you don't have any stuff in game but dreamscape is life.

    1. Unicow
    2. Tyrant


      so you beg tyrantito lol

  8. Wish my luck to myself getting atleast #3 on the suggestion event

  9. I should post more often in the forums, i have been here for over a year and a half already -. -

  10. Welcome Dreamscape Forums :D
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