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out a world

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Everything posted by out a world

  1. 1. No facing same opponent more than once or twice in a row (avoid abuse) 2. Bad beat jackpot (tied 2-to-2 and roll a 90+ but lose to opponents 90+ and lose the gamble but win a special Bad Beat jackpot... an icon/pet/amulet or something) 3. 2 100s - roll 2 100s in a row and receive the 1 hunnid chain 4. User with most wins gets prize at end of season (biweekly/monthly seasons) 5. User with best win/loss ratio in highest division (gold or platinum or diamond) gets specialized prize at end of season 6. 1000 fun diceduels receive golden dicebag chain or dicebag pet 7. 10000 fun diceduels receive diamond dicebag CHAIN 8. win 50 dice duels in a row to receive the ONE ingame (only tradable reward possible from fun dicezone?) WIELDABLE dicebag with +25% luck bonus - 0.000000000000000088% chance of winning 50 dice duels in a row if each one is 50/50. 9. Could also add a points system (earn 100 points per win, +10points per win streak - first win 100, second 110, third 120, etc etc) and make them wagerable ie find someone else with 10k points and wager 10k points vs 10kpoints (has to be same amount of points). - this in turn can make all the items mentioned purchasable with an appropriate amount of points accumulated, still making all rewards untradable.
  2. http://prntscr.com/kuw0sf should separate it from prestige 1/2/3 or make prestige 3 tasks (raids) count as 2 pts on the leaderboard. The top two accounts have less than 24hrs of gameplay and 250+ tasks each. Nice
  3. hell yeah, was grinding this anyways so this event is mine! gl everyone
  4. ??? what’s good boys wait a couple weeks or a month and you’ll see my dope $900 custom
  5. can i still get a goodie bag pick? or is it expired. and damn 10m npc kills and someone wins 100q... wowzer
  6. nah he buys donations. I'm in the lead for this event
  7. goodluck to anyone who tried to beat me $7k donated this month ❤️
  8. just took back my #1 spot on ;;showtop, hopefully billionaire doesnt steal it these last 10days! ahha
  9. think we just hit 500k-Box giveaway for every commenter!-DON box just saw this thread so posting now hopefully i made it in haha
  10. Nvm count me out. I just broke my laptop and don’t feel like buying a new one just to play in this event and lose in quarterfinals and walk away empty handdd and broken hearted and in a deep clinically depressed state of mind. tl;dr don’t put me in the brackets or that person will get a bye their first round
  11. IGN: out a world timezone: PST thanks for hosting this!
  12. boutta win 2 custom items. mark my words, see you September 1st homies
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