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Collector necklaces

Hc Maximum

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Collector necks are on the rise, and unless more people start donating them to stabize the prize I don't see them going down anytime soon, They probably won't ever go any higher then 500t though, Because people will start donating for them cause the price is $45 to donate for one


The reason is the influx of players, same reason mg also went up because the only way to get them is boxes or donating for one, and simply there wasn't enough in game to cater to all the new players> Price goes up to suit the demand


I've always thought it was a super underrated item, If you have ownercape for example it's the #1 most useful item for people with ownercape, Or just people who dont want to have to loot every single drop


If you have a collection of collector necklaces (lol) Bank was made, If you can pick up any for cheap i'd recommend it


Just to add there was a time you could donate for a collector necklace and get one for free, But last time I asked an admin they didn't do that deal anymore

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