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Posts posted by Squishy

  1. Hey kuzurus,


    Simply download the client, type in the username and password you'd like, and hit login. If it says invalid, the username is already taken and you'll need to select another.


    If you have any issues or other questions, feel free to message me.



  2. Hey Peue,


    I'm assuming your issue is saying "Incorrect username or password" which just means the username you're trying to use is already taken. Our game and website are not linked, meaning your forums account does not register you an account on the game.


    To login to the game, choose a username, then password, and hit login. If you're able to login, then that username has not been taken, if it says invalid, then the username is taken and you cannot use it.


    If this isn't your issue, please submit a support ticket on our Discord.


    Discord link -- https://discord.gg/bghN2sDP


    If you have any other questions feel free to message me.



  3. Hey strawberry,


    Our Forums and Game are not linked, meaning a forums account doesn't create a game account. You'll need to select another username and try to login with that to create a game account.


    If this doesn't resolve your issue, please visit our Discord Support here -- https://discord.gg/8bjjNkxJ


    If you have other questions feel free to message me.



  4. Hey Nut Sack,


    If you believe Sponsor content is outdated, perhaps give some suggestions as to what could be improved.


    Also, follow the proper format listed here -- 



    This ensures you're able to get your point accross.


    //Moved to Suggestions.

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