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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. Hey guys! We have some openings on the News Team if anyone would like to apply, check it out here -- 


  2. Congratulations to everyone who won! Was an event with great meaning. xd - https://gyazo.com/463028c62aa7fb0a8d04142d3c47094d
  3. Ey whoever edited my Member Title pls no

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Feeds


      @Squishy I haven't changed to "The Forum God" so I suggest you tell whoever did it.

    3. Squishy


      I changed it back to that ya pleb.

    4. Feeds


      I won't change again sir :P

  4. Eyy, hyped to be up there, even if it's only for one segment. Congratulations to everyone else who placed!
  5. D'awh you're so sweet. Anyways, a lot of this is true, although I really don't know majority of the staff anymore, a lot are friendly and active. Everyone's doing a great job, keep it up.
  6. I think I have an addiction to tattoo's lul

  7. You never realize how much you brush the inner side of your arm until you get it tattooed :L

  8. Ey mate, welcome to DreamScape. If you need any help, feel free to send me a message over forums, in game, or on Discord.
  9. Welcome to DreamScape mate. Hoping you enjoy your stay here.
  10. Please submit a ticket here - http://support.dreamscape317.net/support/tickets/new Then use this format - http://support.dreamscape317.net/support/solutions/articles/6000074253-report-a-bug- Provide enough proof that shows it not working so that it can be fixed. Thank you!
  11. Is there any threads or guides that people would like to see created? If so, let me know!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Feeds


      Exactly, a complete package of ironman, would be great help towards the community.

    3. Squishy


      That's a long one, might take me awhile, but I'll look into it!

    4. Unicow


      A guide with weapon rankings for mage melee and magic. Would be great just like the torva ranking thread we have

  12. Great update bois, keep up the great work.
  13. Damn, the only current staff member I actually know. I still remember getting you promoted to Helper mister, look at how far you grew. You were an amazing staff member Potato Chips, keep in touch love <3.
  14. Welcome back to DreamScape m8. If you need any help, feel free to send myself a message here on the forums or in-game. Enjoy the server!
  15. Ey welcome back lad. You already know the drill
  16. Haha, my post-count was insane. From June 2015 - December 2015 I hit like 1750 posts. Welcome back lazy cat, glad to know I'm an influence for forums activity!
  17. We never had the chance to meet, but surely your impact here was great. I'm wishing you the best with your encounters through life.
  18. Any guides that people want to see done? Preferably forum based ones, but I'm willing to do game ones as well.

  19. Squishy


    Welcome to DreamScape. If you need anything, feel free to send anyone a message on the forums, or in the game, most people would love to help!
  20. I was never even on the concept team haha, my application was denied. Again, thank you everyone for the warm welcomes! Great to see certain people -cough- @Brezel -cough-
  21. whoopish

    1. Tyrant


      Come on discord

    2. Squishy


      I'm in a League game. Give me 45 mins and I'll be there for you bb.

    3. Tyrant


      You better be!

  22. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back! If anyone wants to chat, feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord. POTATER CHEEEP <3.
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