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Everything posted by Zelox

  1. Zelox

    DPS Counter

    What is the content called? Dps Dummy How does it work? With this being a completely custom server with so many different variables affecting your damage output, I was thinking some type of DPS counter would be cool. It would pretty much be a dummy that you attack for a short amount of time and it tells you how much damage per second you were doing to that dummy. What rewards does it give? No rewards, just a quality of life upgrade. How will it benefit server/players? This allows for players, especially new ones to try out different gear and optimize their current gear without having to ask around what weapons or armor they should be using. How could it be expanded in the future? It would serve as a good way for players to test how any new gear released compares to older gear DPS wise. What negative effect could this have? (Think eco, Item balances, Overpowered) Can't really think of any negative effects this could have on the server.
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