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Posts posted by JSea

  1. On 6/23/2021 at 11:36 PM, GorgonUK said:

    Happy to have you Jsea!

    How was time in the military?

    Oh lad,

    I've thought, I went there prepared, because I was physically strong and had good mentality/discipline in daily's work. But...You know, we've participated in the battlegrounds with USA, Latvia, Germany, Spain, Italy and more! The thing is, when You sleep 5+ days in a row in the forest, when Your supplies at the lowest and it looks like everything is falling apart, then You know, that You are in the military, You need to say bye to Your health or other instincts (eating food, happy sleeps), to accomplish a task. It was incredible! ❤️ Glad, that You've asked ❤️ 

  2. Well hey!

    Maybe You've met me before in game, if not, lemme say couple of things:

    First things first, Video Games are in my blood (started playing since I was 2 years old - currently 19 yo).

    Moreover, I've been in the military, I've seen shit, so if you'll encounter some problems @pm me, I'll try to help you out, when I am free.
    Why I am here? Sometimes we all need to chill, relax, so I chose Redemption (DreamScape) as my way out of this world full of fakeness.


    Anyways, don't want to write a poem or anything like that.

    Best of luck,


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