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Everything posted by kingbugz

  1. I'd like to bring up an old topic that was pretty fast shut down. I can completely understand why it was shot down 4 years ago, but I feel like this can now be a much easier goal to achieve. Bringing Redemption to mobile would not only be convenient for players who can't be at the computer alot, but do always have time on their phones. As a father of 3 I know this would be a great way for me to get more time into the server. Bringing Redemption to mobile would also expand upon the community as it would give people a new way of accessing the server. Even now a days not everyone has a computer, or atleast not a personal computer. So it would be great to bring the server to a platform that most people have. I hope this is something that the Redemption team can make happen, good luck, and thanks for hearing me out.
  2. It's been probably a year now, I see alot has changed! I can also see that most of my gear is way out dated... Anyone got any good tips on gearing up?
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