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Everything posted by BevilM

  1. like their in separated areas like a habitat the drops must be balanced to keep it a challenge it will not be easy if it is my choice will be a multi-area but not 1 hit possible so it's all the same for evry1 but that my idea I want make it hard so it's not over in a week or an hour
  2. oke to start I know my English is bad. but I will try to explain it best as possible XD oke I had an idea to make a 4 season boss battle where you have a winter boss a spring boss a summer boss etc where you need to rotate after eg 400 kills to the next season after you dit all 4 seasons you get points like season points that you can spend at a shop that has rare 1 of a kind gear bast on the bosses eg 4 season sets or weapons but also there are bosses so they drop souls and drop rares eg the weapons but it's not in the shop so the loot of shop will be a set of bosses and the drops the weapons or visa Versa. so its pvm but also a mini-game to cycle thru the seasons and get points every time you get full cycle it keeps players busy and not bored to slay the same boss over and over again. it is, of course, just an idea so do whit it what you want in my personal feeling i whout like to do this. but add some extras to this post or how you see this if you like it to get it better I hope you like it and tyvm for reading this post bevilm out
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