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About Zerteq

Zerteq's Achievements

  1. Hey everyone! Some of you have probably seen me in-game already, but to those who haven't, hello! I'll tell you a few things about me, My name is James, im 20 years of age, and I live in Australia. I have a huge passion for Cars, I own a 2001 Nissan Silvia S15, and of course it's a turbo, what a silly question. Automotive photography and cinematography, which I plan to someday make a living from, and of course Private servers. I've always liked to collect things, so on that note, I'm doing this adventure as an Ironman, also to stop me from staking a quitting like I have everywhere else It'll be a long journey as I can't acquire things as easy as all the Hardcore and regular players, but it'll be worth it in the end! So help me out along the way, get to know me, and I hope to see you all In-game soon! - James.
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