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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2021 in Posts

  1. Hello, As many as you know, I use to love auditing PHP static analyses security and web-based apps. It was my passion when projects came out that allowed companies to employ "security enthusiast" to report bugs for cash such as https://www.hackerone.com/. I ended up reporting serious security vulnerabilities for major companies such as Facebook, Twitter, WHMCS, vBulletin, Mybb, IPB, Mainly popular forum boards and web-based applications. I decided to let two companies acknowledge my skills which was the popular web based application Cpanel & Clientexec for whitehat credibility which you can read more about here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_hat_(computer_security) Due to me learning a lot of web-based app hacking this allowed me to keep personal projects even more secure such as Dreamscape now Redemption. I decided to advance these skills with other RSPS owners and even popular RSPS projects such as Runelocus, RSPS-LIST, Topg, Moparscape which rewarded me handsomely. Sadly, Others took it as a threat and "blackmail" my focus was to keep RSPS users in the scene secure. I do admit, I wish my approach to how I reported these bugs to RSPS owners was better but I got so excited and childish which some of the chat logs you may have seen of the past was just so childish and shameful. As of 2017 I decided to retire from the security web-app scene and focus on advising close friends on keeping secure if they ever needed the advice. If you do see old screenshots, the way I use to talk I was just a young and not respectful person. Due to this, I retired fully from assisting owners anymore with security issues and let them figure it out themselves. Sadly people view this as a reflection of who I am now and what Redemption is. We invest a lot into this project to ensure we provide quality and care to our community. We have no interest in your details unless it breaches our terms of service or security. We value you as a person and respect your privacy. It's my mission to ensure I provide the highest quality of security due to my high-end knowledge thanks to the security scene. Thank you to those who read this. psst you kept reading? Wow, You must really enjoy this topic. Here's a bonus part. The ultimate staying secure on any RSPS in 2021 from a leading security expert. Do not click on any links you don't trust. Never EVER trust anyone you don't know personally. Do not store saved passwords in browsers use https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd Always use a unique password on any new platform you use, I prefer to use sign in via email for extra security on any applications that support it. Always use 2step on your in-game, forums and emails. If you like to play other servers and are feeling frisky use this sandbox environment https://sandboxie-plus.com/ Check if you have your personal details hacked for free with https://haveibeenpwned.com/
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