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Ily2's Application


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In-Game Name: Ily2


Real Name/Nickname: Jake


In-game play time (Picture): 


Age: 20


Time Zone: UTC-5:00 ET


Boss logs (Picture): 


Why do you think you should be a part of The Plantation?  I am super into pvming, and always have been.  I'm a recent member of the server, but I love it and the experiences that I have had thus far.  The only problem that I have with this server is the amount of times that I get crashed at bosses that I feel like I need to kill to get enough money for higher tiered gear.  I currently have american pernix with a scoped rifle, and I cannot compete with people that crash me.  I think this clan is an awesome way to get into higher level pvming and ultimately be able to help new players out when I get to a point where I can.  I know I don't meet the time suggestion, but based on how into this server I am, I'd say I'm here to stay


Do you Accept the Tos? (What is Rule #6? (Also say Yes or No at the end of your answer)): There is no rule #6, Yes!

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