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Status Replies posted by Rice

  1. Can't bealive we have reached 200 on you guys are amazing thanks for everyone's support/advertising you guys make Dreamscape what it is. When I joined this server had 100 players on only we have jumped up crazy thanks to everyone! You don't know how happy I am proud of gio and everyone :) congrats well deserved gio my man!
  2. Stayed on Dream a little too long last night (4:30 am) had too wake up at 7. Falling asleep at work loll.
  3. so fucking happy, after hours of killing dragonbones finally got 3 loots.
    1. Rice


      Yeaaaah that's what i'm talkin about go beast mode boi <3 GZ
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Cleaned for 20T cash r.i.p
    1. Rice


      Sucks man, this is why I don't gamble. Don't quit still!
    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. ..Sad fate that an ill tragedy from a loyal friend, will cause my possible absence within the game. Never lend items out to players you trust. RIP 800b.
    1. Rice


      That is your fault for trusting. Never trust anyone through a game, don't be a fool also and give out your Skype or any personal information, im tellin you this cuz it relates to what dumb thing you just did. And I've experienced the same thing. You just gotta learn some lessons the hard way. Take it easy bud.
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Beer and Food all ready for australia day tomorrow :D
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