Global XP Boosts

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Revision as of 15:35, 13 January 2024 by Big Hater (talk | contribs)
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Global Experience boosts apply to all skills. Many stack with skill specific boosts.

Donator XP Boosts
Rank XP Boost
Sponsor and below 0%
Executive 5%
Inferno 20%
Platinum 30%
Arcane 40%
Diamond 50%
Misc. XP Boosts
Method XP Boost
Fountain of Fortune 5%-50%
Advanced Item Grinder 5%-50%
Dream EXP Potion 5%
Daily Events 20%
Pulse Core* 10%
Advanced Pulse Core* 25%
Voting Bonus Scroll 40%
*The Pulse Core and Advanced Pulse Core do not stack. Only 1 may be used at a time.