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Update 35: Reapers of Souls, Slayer Master Cape (X), Presets updated, and more!


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Players must use the Slayer master Cape Recipe on the Slayer Master Cape (I) to create the Slayer Master Cape (X)

Players can find the components to create the Slayer Cape Recipe on Prestige 11 - Prestige 15 slayer drop tables. 



Slayer Diary

Slayer Document 1/5

Slayer Document 2/5

Slayer Document 3/5

Slayer Document 4/5

Slayer Document 5/5


Players must use all 5 pages on the Slayer Diary to create the Slayer Cape Recipe.

Players will be able to destroy duplicate pages for 500 slayer points.



55,000 attack bonus in all styles

55,000 strength bonus in all styles

175% Tribrid Bonus

50% Drop Rate

1 in 5 for 3x damage



5% chance to save a Slayer Hunter Key when opening the Slayer Hunter Chest

1 in 10 chance to save an eternal enchantment stone when enchanting items

+1 Group Slayer Point when completing Group Slayer Hard Tasks

+3 Group Slayer Points when completing Group Slayer Boss Tasks

1 in 100 chance to receive a Reaper Teleport when completing hard difficulty slayer tasks

1 in 30 chance to receive a reaper teleport when completing boss difficulty slayer tasks

1 in 20 chance to receive a reaper teleport when completing Konar slayer tasks







Reaper of Souls

HP: 20B

Accessed via Reaper of Souls Teleport via Slayer Master Cape (X)





25 Platinum Coins

Demonic Ashes

Demonic Essence



50 Platinum Coins

Treasure Hunter Chest Key

1-3 Bountiful Gem Box



100 Platinum Coins

1-3 Mid Tier Gem Box



200 Platinum Coins

1-3 High Tier Gem Box



$100 Custom Credit Scroll (u)

5 Slayer Hunter Chest Keys



Soul Ripper

Enraged Insignia

Reaper's Forge



New Items:



Demonic Ashes

Grants player 750,000 Prayer Experience when buried



Demonic Essence

Used on Gemstone Armor to create Mythic Slayer Set pieces



  1. Mythic Slayer Master Helmet

  2. Created by using 50 Demonic Essence on Gemstone Helm



  1. Mythic Slayer Master Body

  2. Created by using 50 Demonic Essence on Gemstone Platebody



  1. Mythic Slayer Master Legs

  2. Created by using 50 Demonic Essence on Gemstone Platelegs


  4. Mythic Slayer Master Gloves

  5. Created by using 50 Demonic Essence on Gemstone Gloves


  7. Mythic Slayer Master Boots

  8. Created by using 50 Demonic Essence on Gemstone Boots



  1. Reaper's Forge 

  2. Used on Pernix Quiver (i), Mystic Orb (i), and Seal of Titanic Rage (i) to create Reaper's Idol



Reaper's Idol

45,000 attack bonus in all 3 styles

45,000 strength bonus in all 3 styles

125% Tribrid Bonus

50% Drop rate

1 in 10 for 3x damage



  1. Enraged Insignia

  2. Used on Enhanced Soul Ripper to create the Enraged Soul Ripper

  3. Players can use this on a Enhanced Soul Ripper (b) to create an Enraged Soul Ripper (B)



  1. Enraged Soul Ripper:

  2. 4x Slayer Points per task completed

  3. Hard Group Tasks +4 Group Slayer Points

  4. Boss Group Tasks: +8 Group Slayer Points

  5. 1 in 10 chance for Slayer Superior Teleport after any hard/boss task

  6. 1 in 15 chance to save a Superior Slayer Teleport

  7. 1 in 15 chance to save a Crimson Chin Teleport

  8. 1 in 15 chance to save a Reaper Teleport

  9. 1 in 50 chance to save a Slayer Hunter Chest Key

  10. 1/10 chance to do 2x the player's base damage

  11. Deals 65% of the owner's damage as an additional hitsplat 



Collection Log

Soul Ripper, Enraged Insignia, Reaper's Forge


Base Rewards: $250 Custom Credit Scroll (u) + 100 Platinum Coins

Prestige 1: 2x $250 Custom Credit Scrolll (u) + 200 Platinum Coins

Prestige 2: 3x $250 Custom Credit Scroll (u) + 300 Platinum Coins

Prestige 3: 4x $250 Custom Credit Scroll (u) + 400 Platinum Coins

Prestige 4: 5x $250 Custom Credit Scroll (u) + 500 Platinum Coins

Prestige 5: 6x $250 Custom Credit Scroll (u) + 600 Platinum Coins








Reaper's Exorcism I

Kill 100 Reaper of Souls



Reaper's Exorcism II

Kill 250 Reaper of Souls



Reaper's Exorcism III

Kill 500 Reaper of Souls





Fishing Event

When the event is active, players will be able to catch “Fish Eggs” from any fishing spot. The chance to catch eggs will go up with the player’s fishing prestige level.


Drop Table/Rates


Prestige 0 Fishing

Golden Fish Egg 1/500

Treasure Fish Egg 1/700

Lucky Fish Egg 1/600


Prestige 1 Fishing

Golden Fish Egg 1/400

Treasure Fish Egg 1/600

Lucky Fish Egg 1/500


Prestige 2 Fishing

Golden Fish Egg 1/300

Treasure Fish Egg 1/500

Lucky Fish Egg 1/400


Prestige 3 Fishing

Golden Fish Egg: 1/200

Treasure Fish Egg: 1/400

Lucky Fish Egg: 1/300


New Items


 Golden Fish Egg




Can be caught in any fishing spot when fishing event is active

Player may open the egg to get coins


Drop Table


10 Platinum Coin



100 Platinum Coin



250 Platinum Coin



500 Platinum Coin



1 Diamond Coin


 Treasure Fish Egg



Can be caught in any fishing spot when fishing event is active

Player may open the egg to receive different boxes.


Drop Table



Box of Dreams (e)

Box of Treasures



Armory Crate

Pet Crate

Weaponry Crate

Owner’s Box



Prestigious Starbox



Competition Box


 Lucky Fish Egg




Can be caught in any fishing spot when fishing event is active

Player may open the egg to automatically activate Jonny Sins or Lucky Jester. They may choose which boss is activated.






NPC name: Starving Marvin

HP: 500M HP


Mechanic: When reaches 25m HP Marvin will say “yeah, I want da cheesy poof” and perform an eat animation. He will restore his HP back to full. He will not repeat this.


::marvin / ::sm - when Marvin area is open, players will be able to use this command to access marvin area.


Drop Table:

10-50 Gold coin always

Marvin’s bones always



1 platinum coin

Box of dreams

Box of treasure



Cheesy Poof


New items


Cheesy poof




When clicked, the player will gain a 10 minute period where if their HP falls below 10% then they will be healed for 50% of their HP. Once this effect goes off it will not repeat. The player can reuse the cheesy poof. The cheesy poof will have 10 uses before dissolving and being removed.


NOTE: This item will not save you from one shot mechanics.

All charges are saved via your account so if you sell a Cheesy Poof with 1 charge left it will be 10 charges for the next person but your next use of a cheesy poof will complete your 10 uses of a cheesy poof and it will disappear.


Marvin’s bones

 When buried the player will gain 1,000 prayer experience.







We have integrated all of our upgrade methods into one interface. 

Players will now be able to create all meaningful upgrades via one upgrade interface!












Boosts Viewer is a brand new interface that will allow players to view various boosts on pets and gear. This interface will also allow administrators to live edit custom pets and items to add boosts such as additional slayer keys, experience, etc.


Players can access the boost viewer via the quick access tab or ::viewboost commands.







Olm has received an update and is now a one phase fight. We have also updated the HP totals to reflect the phase changes.


Normal Mode 

Head - 75M

Left Hand 25M

Right Hand 25M


Challenge Mode:

Head - 400M

Left Hand - 100M

Right Hand - 100M


Hell Mode

2x Damage Reduction

Head - 400M

Left Hand - 100M

Right Hand - 100M







Lodsmok challenge mode has been added!


What has changed?

Normal mode is now solo kills only

Challenge mode is unlocked after 25 kills of Lodsmok normal mode


What is challenge mode?

Lodsmok (challenge mode) is the new party mode for Lodsmok that will allow groups to kill Lodsmok.

We have increased the HP for challenge mode to enhance the group experience 


Lodsmok (Normal Mode)

HP: 12M

Damage Cap: 60K

Solo only


Lodsmok (Challenge Mode)

HP: 12B

Damage Cap: 150M

Increase HP by 250M per person

Immune to poison damage

Party System Enabled

Requirements: 250 Lodsmok Kills to join challenge mode


Drop Table:



3-10 Draconic Remains

Lodsmok Bones



5-10 Draconic Remains

100-250 Gold Coins



10-25 Draconic Remains

5 Platinum Coins

Box of Dreams (e)



75-250 Draconic Remains

10 Platinum Coins

Scroll Crate

Treasure Hunter Chest



25 Platinum Coins

250-500 Draconic Remains



Elemental Ward Artic

Elemental Ward Toxic

Elemenatal Ward Rage

Zodiac Coin (Gemini)


Lodsmok (CM) Collection Log:

Elemental Ward Artic

Elemental Ward Toxic

Elemental Ward Rage





Base Rewards: 1x $50 Custom Credit Scroll + 5 Supreme Enchantment Stones

Prestige 1: 1x $100 Custom Credit Scroll + 10 Supreme Enchantment Stones

Prestige 2: 1x $250 Custom Credit Scroll + 15 Supreme Enchantment Stones

Prestige 3: 2x $250 Custom Credit Scroll + 20 Supreme Enchantment Stones

Prestige 4: 3x $250 Custom Credit Scroll + 25 Supreme Enchantment Stones

Prestige 5: 4x $250 Custom Credit Scroll + 30 Supreme Enchantment Stones






🛠️Vote tickets will now grant 0.3 bonus when adding to the vote gem from 0.1

🛠️Fixed an issue with vote ticket daily cap when adding them to vote gem

🛠️Added skilling point bonuses to the Spirit Angler Set

🛠️Added new clue scroll tasks

🛠️Added healing effect to Vitality Aura

🛠️Added faster respawn rate to various bosses

🛠️Fixed some inaccuracies on the staff list

🛠️Lowered total health of Alchemical Hydra

🛠️Fixed issues with Drop Rate gems

🛠️Fixed an activity bug when completing Animated Chest room

🛠️Removed some irrelevant NPC spawns

🛠️Decreased the size of Shadow Drake pets to increase client performance

🛠️Added Telos boost to fountain of fortune

🛠️Added Dreamland boost to fountain of fortune

🛠️Added Marrow Reaper boost to fountain of fortune

🛠️Permitted all commands to be used in the Lucky Jester activity

🛠️Added ability to add to fountain of fortune directly from coin pouch

🛠️Added drop rate gems to Gem Bag

🛠️Added grinder shards to item examine

🛠️Removed the requirement to go to the looting room at QBD and added a direct respawn

🛠️Added more bounties to Bounty Hunter

🛠️PVM Event is now single combat

🛠️Fixed a bug with decanting potions

🛠️Removed dream bones from starter kit

🛠️Fixed bug with players losing double drops with full inventory

🛠️Players that have clue scrolls with the same task can now complete both at the same time

🛠️Added an auto-spin feature to Platinum Slot Machine




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