Enraged Hades Mechanics

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Preparation Before the Raid
Prior to entering the raid, participants must configure their Combat Configuration (CC) or use that of another party. Upon arrival, the instance will be empty, and a level indicator will be visible. When the party leader activates the lever, the battle commences. Participants should be prepared for a challenging encounter. Note: Platinum Members can enhance raid efficiency by using the Protect All Prayer.
The Onset of Battle and the Initial 25%
After the party leader activates the lever, the entire party is teleported into the room, and at that moment, Enraged Hades launches an immediate attack. During the initial 25% or 2.5 million health phase, it delivers a highly impactful light blue typeless attack. Participants are strongly advised to commence the fight with the Protect from Magic, Protect from Range, or Protect All prayers enabled, in anticipation of the following stage.
Enraged Hades Typeless Attack.png
The 75%-50% Phase (The Jad Phase)
When Enraged Hades reaches 75% health or 7.5 million, it ceases firing the typeless attack and switches to a one-shot magic or ranged attack. It emits a distinctive sound, 'Mmmmm!,' just before launching the Dark Blue Magic Attack. Participants must activate Protect from Magic immediately to avoid a guaranteed one-shot.
Enraged Hades Magic Attack.png

Just before firing the Dark Green Ranged Attack, Enraged Hades will vocalize 'Rrrrr!.' Participants should activate Protect from Range promptly to prevent a certain one-shot.

Enraged Hades Range Attack.png

The moment the boss's health drops below 50%, cease attacking immediately.

The 50%-25% Phase (Unpredictability)
When Enraged Hades falls below 50% health or 5 million, a red circle materializes on the ground.
Enraged Hades Red Circle.png

At this point, the boss becomes impervious to damage, and participants incur 5 points of damage for every hit inflicted on the boss. It is crucial to enter the circle promptly, as it vanishes after a few seconds, triggering a meteor shower from the ceiling that instantly slays anyone outside the circle.

Enraged Hades Meteors.png

Once the meteors appear, participants can resume attacking the boss. However, random meteors will now descend from the ceiling, posing a threat. Moreover, Enraged Hades will alternate randomly between the one-shot Range and Mage attacks, along with the high-damage typeless attacks, until its health drops below 25% or 2.5 million.

The 25%-DEAD Phase (The Home Stretch)
Once Enraged Hades dips below 25% health or 2.5 million, it ceases its onslaught and generates another red circle. This functions identically to the previous one. Participants must step into the circle to evade the falling meteors. The twist here is that it generates a second red circle immediately as the first set of meteors descends. Participants should simply enter this next circle to avoid the subsequent meteor volley.

As the final meteor shower descends, a poison cloud appears at your location.

Enraged Hades Poison Cloud.png

Move away from this cloud and continue to damage the boss until it is defeated. As its health nears zero, more poison clouds will manifest. Continue to move and damage the boss until it perishes.

The raid against Enraged Hades has been successfully completed! The pursuit of the elusive hellish unicorn doggo continues!
Enraged Hades Completion.png