Torva (ALL)

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Most Common Armour Sets Around Dreamscape
From the most common to the rarest and the best in the game!
Armor / Stats Armor Information
Torva (Normal).png

Torva (Normal)

Normal Torva is a rare drop from Nex, it can also be acquired from the Dreamscape Point Shop.

24K Torva Set.png

24K Torva

24K Torva pieces are a rare drop from Steroid Penguins at Mystery box Teleport.

Prime Torva Set Stats.png

Primal Torva

Primal Torva pieces are a very rare drop from Forgotten Warriors. They currently are the most defensive set on Dreamscape, but lacking in offensive stats.

Rainbow Torva Set Stats.png

Rainbow Torva

Rainbow Torva is another set of our custom torva sets. The stats are mainly focused on "prayer bonuses". It lacks the "strength bonuses". The armour is also trimmed in the colors of the rainbow.

Wolverine Torva Set.png
Blue Torva Set Stats.png
Flame Torva Set Stats.png
Wizzy Torva Set Stats.png

Wizzy Torva

Wizzy (dream) Torva - Is the best custom torva as a set for PVP (wildy). The armour is also trimmed in grey/yellow. And can be obtained as a drop from Corporal Beast or from the PkP Shop.

Elite Torva Set Stats.png
Hallucination Torva Set.png
American Torva Set Stats.png
American Torva (u) Set Stats.png
Shadow Torva Set Stats.png

Shadow Torva

Shadow Torva - Is one of the top custom torva sets available. The stats are mainly focused for "strength bonuses". It also has high "defensive bonuses". The armour is the darkest in game.

Shadow Torva (u) Stats.png
Lime Torva Set Stats.png