Baby Yoda Pet

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Baby Yoda Pet.png

The Baby Yoda Pet is a donation only pet available for $650 on the Redemption Web Store.

This is the most recent best in slot pet, and carries a variety of extremely powerful bonuses!

Bonus stats/effects included:

  • 50% Drop rate
  • 50% Double Drop Rate
  • 40% Luck
  • 10% Tribrid damage
  • 1 in 15 chance to do 5x damage
  • Prayer Restore Effect
  • Soulsplit Effect

The Baby Yoda Pet has a 90% chance to reward the player with 75,000 Grinder Points at the Item Grinder, worth 7.5b Bronze Coins if points are traded in for Gold Coins. Important: it has a 10% chance to vanish into nothing!

Black Market Dealer Item Grinder Karma Offering Scavenger Shop
Sell / Use: / coins 75,000 Grinder Points points / exp
/ kismets
/ points
Buy / coins / points / kismets / points