Elo Protection Cards

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Revision as of 23:56, 16 June 2023 by Hyth (talk | contribs)
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7 Day Elo Card.png

Elo Protection Cards allow you to extend your ELO timer. This will allow you to maintain the extra stats you've achieved through consistent play, without having to worry if you need to miss a day.

There are three different items you can purchase by going to the Redemptionrsps Store:

  • 1 Day Elo Card: $10.00
  • 3 Day Elo Card: $25.00
  • 7 Day Elo Card: $50.00

    These are also available in the Vote Store!
  • 1 Day Elo Card: 10 vote tickets
  • 3 Day Elo Card: 25 vote tickets
  • 7 Day Elo Card: 50 vote tickets