Frequently Asked Questions

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Revision as of 23:39, 19 January 2023 by Big Hater (talk | contribs)
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The following are some of the most frequently asked questions on Redemption.

If you do not see the answer to your question, feel free to contact any Staff member in game. You may also search the Wiki for specific pieces of content.

How do I make money?
There are many ways to make money on Redemption. You can view these at Money Making.
What gear should I be using?
There are a lot of gear choices in Redemption. It can be confusing to figure out which are best for the stage of the game you are working on. You can view Gear Progression to see the proper gear for your current stage.
What commands or shortcuts can I use?
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

• CTRL/CMD + B - opens bank

• CTRL/CMD + H - Teleports you to the home area

• CTRL or CMD + S - Opens the Slayer interface

• CTRL or CMD + P - Places your pet in your inventory

• ::vb - Teleports you to the vote boss. You can also use ::voteboss

• ::Wiki [search term] - Searches the Redemption Wiki for a page on the content. If the page does not display, you may need to use the search bar.

• ::shops - Teleports you to the shop manager

You can look at the Commands page for more information.

What is Karma? What are Karmic Kismets?
Karma is a unique, custom skill on Redemption. You can used the Karma guide to learn more about it. To begin training Karma, you will need a Xebos Invitation. This will begin the Karma Quest.

Karmic Kismets are the currency item for Karma. You earn them by training Karma or from various boxes.

How do I donate? What is a Goodiebag Island?
You can view Donate to learn more about donating. Typing the command ::donate in game will bring you to the donation webstore.

A goodiebag island is an additional reward for donating. Typically, for every $30 spent you receive 1 pick on the island. However, there are times when donation admins host special islands. You can always message a donation admin to find out more. They can be found at Staff Team.

Who are the staff members?
You can view the current Staff Team on the Wiki page dedicated to it. All of the staff, including the owner(s) are listed. Feel free to message any of them in game for help.
How do I upgrade items?
Upgrades are a unique way to improve your gear on Redemption. You can use the Upgrade Chest at ::upgrade. It will display the materials required for the upgrade, as well as the success percentage for the upgrade. You can use upgrade protection cards, or 2b cash, to protect the items from being destroyed. WITHOUT THIS PROTECTION YOU MAY LOSE YOUR ITEMS!
How do I change the settings?
Once in game, click on the wrench icon in the bottom right of the screen. There are several options on this interface. You can view the entire settings interface by clicking "All Settings."
What's the best pet?
Currently, the best pet in game is the Shadow Drake. You can view all of the Pets on the dedicated Wiki page.