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>Iron Heph
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>Iron Heph
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|weaponName=Ascensions Offhand Crossbow
|weaponDescription=This weapon can be obtained by the following Boxes; <br>
[[Tactical Box]]<br>
This weapon can be dropped by the following Bosses; <br>
[[Vendura]],[[Diablo]], and [[Steroid Penguin Tank]] <br>
It is classed as an Early Game weapon.

After putting quite a lot of hours into my Ironman, I have decided to make a guide covering the Early Game phase of being an Ironman and the steps you should be taking in order to set up an easy transition into the Mid Game phase of being an Ironman.
|weaponName=Purple Mist Spirit Shield
|weaponDescription=This weapon can be dropped by the following Bosses; <br>
[[Ninja Turtles]]<br>
It is classed as an Early Game weapon.

|weaponName=BFG9000 Offhand
|weaponDescription=The BFG9000 Offhand is one of the ranged offhand weapons in game.<br>
This weapon can be obtained by the following Boxes;<br>
[[Dynamic Mystery Box]],[[Tactical Box]],[[2k20 Box]], and [[5th Anniversary Box]]<br>
It is classed as an Mid Game weapon.

|weaponName=Odium Ward
|weaponDescription=The Odium Ward is a good ranged offhand.<br>
This weapon can be dropped by the following Bosses; <br>
[[Vorkath]] <br>
It is classed as a Mid Game weapon.

First and foremost, look into the very lengthy & in-depth guide from CJ Bear as it covers the vast majority of basics that I will not be covering too much in this guide
|weaponName=BFG9000 Offhand (i)
|weaponDescription=The BFG9000 Offhand (i) is a powerful ranged offhand.<br>
It can be obtained by upgrading the [[BFG9000 Offhand]] at [[Upgrades]].<br>
It is classed as an End Game weapon.

[ CJ Bears Guide]
|weaponName=Descimator9000 Offhand
|weaponDescription=The Descimator9000 is one of the best ranged offhands.<br>
It can be obtained by donating through the [ Store] for $250 USD.
It is classed as an End Game weapon.

|weaponName=Skull Descimator9000 Offhand
I'm going to break this guide down into five distinct parts:
|weaponDescription=The Skull Descimator9000 Offhand is an insane ranged offhand.<br>
It can be obtained from upgrading the [[Descimator9000 Offhand]] at [[Upgrades]], or by purchasing it from the [ Store] for $400 usd. <br>
The Preliminary
It is classed as an End Game weapon.
Part One: The Stats.
Part Two: The Weapon
Part Three: The Armour
Part Four: The Extras
Part Five: The Optional
The Preliminary: Starter Tasks
Do these instantly as they'll not only give you a large chunk of coins for buying leveling gear, they will also show you around the game whilst earning us EXP.
Quick commands for the tasks are as follows, be sure to memorize them as they will be used alot:
::mbox - Kill Penguin
::arcade - Use bones on altar at end of hall
::shops - Far right shop buy a spade (Whilst we're here, go to the shop to the left (Sandi Ewoks Weapons & buy a Flame Scimitar))
::starterboss - For the bosses, I personally recommend Torquat
::home - Brings you home
For the Get Item Info, Right Click the DSCoin & Get Info
Achievements is the Quest Tab (Blue Star) followed by the Achievements List (Green Star)
::wiki "your_string" - using ::wiki followed by any word, will query the Wiki with that string. For example ::wiki Slayer will bring you to the Slayer page.
::wc - Woodcutting, haven't found much use, but is used for end-game dailies if you don't do raids.
For the Loyalty Streak click the Quest Tab then the Rewards (Hand with 3 gold coins) and select the Second Option
::home once more & talk to the purple orb, pick up the easy task just incase it's doable
The tasks I got are: Daily Task which is perfect as 100 Penguins is what we'll be doing. You can choose any of 3 to complete, no need to do all 3
The Preliminary: Assessing the Inventory
First and foremost, go to ::soulroom & bank everything that isn't your 20 Crystal Keys & 3 Mystery Boxes. Open the 3 Mystery Boxes & bank what you get, then open the 20 keys in the Crystal Chest located here: Crystal Chest Location
If you are lucky you will receive Dragonbone Melee armor, a Royal Sicle, Ice Katana, or anything of the sort. In the account I am using to showcase the guide I received the following from my 20 Crystal Keys: Crystal Chest Loot
If you did not get anything like this, do not worry, nothing will change in the guide, just the speed of progression. (I will not be using any of these items, I am just showcasing the potential items you can obtain)
Now onto the main part of the guide!
In Part One I will be covering how to efficiently train our stats to an optimal point we can efficiently farm the monsters required to kickstart our account.
Part One: The Stats
The main damage we will focus on to the start will be Magic, but as Magic is slow to level starting off, we will level our Melee stats as we start with a sword.
For an Ironman, the most effective way to level our stats & gain gear is by going to ::mbox and killing the Penguins.
Start off by training your Attack to 15 followed by 60 Strength.
Getting 15 Attack ensures we never miss and 60 Strength increases our max hit. Once you have obtained 60 Strength swap to Defence and get that to 60.
Follow that up with 60 Attack and you are done with the basics for Melee. Train Strength mainly from here on out as that assists in our max hit, you can change every 10 levels to keep your stats even. The choice is yours!
Ensure you keep the Penguin Bones you collect as they can be used at the altar in ::arcade at the end of the hallway for leveling Prayer, which unlocks powerful Curses & Prayers which assist us in dealing damage with Torment/Turmoil/Anguish and Survivability with Soulsplit!
Keep farming the penguins until you have received Penguin Staff (u)
Once you have obtained this weapon, swap to it + any of the Dragonbone Gear (Needs 60 defence) or better if obtained from Crystal Key + Mystery Boxes (Use ::compare to check which is better) and do your Slayer Task and your Daily Task.
Getting Slayer started early is the most beneficial thing for an Ironman as the points needed for highly coveted item is very grind worthy, so getting it done in your first hour is the strongest start we can have.
Doing our daily task gives us a roll on the loot table which can help kick-start the account, if you're lucky, you can obtain a Donator Ticket which includes some of the best passive bonuses in-game.
That concludes the Stat part of the Guide!
In Part Two I will be covering how to efficiently get one of the best weapons in game which allows us to farm lots of monsters, really quickly.
Part Two: The Weapon
The weapon we will be obtaining is the "Khiones Staff" to obtain this, we will be using the previously farmed Penguin Staff (u) as covered in Part One.
Open the Boss teleports and go to Revenants (Wilderness is safe, no PVP)
As we do not have a Bracelet of Etherium yet you will need to outrange the orcs attacks & focus on the Hobgoblins as shown in this picture
Once you get the Bracelet of Etherium equip it & move further into the cave & AoE the Revenants.
Once you have obtained a Tier 1 Emblem, Tier 2 Emblem & Tier 3 Emblem go to ::shops & turn them into the Wilderness Shopinse & Repeat until you have 25,000 PKP (::pkp to checkhow many you're at)
Go to ::shops & purchase a Khiones Staff from the Wilderness Shop.
Now you have a choice:
1. Call it quits, use Khiones Staff
2. Re-do this grind & go to ::upgrade, attempt to upgrade your Khiones Staff into the Eternal Khiones Staff (I'll come back to this at the end of Part 4)
3. Skip Part Three and remain here until you have completed the steps in Part Four.
The three most optimal places to stand for Revenant Farming are as follows, they are ranked in order of efficiency.
Revanant Central - by attacking the two monsters highlighted in the red box, your staff will aoe the 2 monsters nearby, totaling 6 Revenant packs from two button clicks.
Revenant North - by attacking the three monsters highlighted in the red box, your staff will aoe the monsters nearby.
Revenant South - by attacking any of the monsters highlighted in the red box, your staff will aoe the other two.
This concludes the Weapon part of the guide!
Part Three: The Armour
The Armour Set we will be obtaining is the "Trix Armour" droppable from the Groudon Boss
This is the simplest part and the easiest, open the Teleports tab and go to Bosses then Groudon.
Simply just attack the Groudon, hope for an armour piece & repeat.
This concludes the Armour part of the guide! Super short and sweet!
Part Four: The Extras
The items we will be looking for are as follows: Collectors Necklace, Averys Ring, Groudon Pet, White Glass Wings, American Boxing Gloves, Seers Boots, Aqua Spirit Shield, Eternal Khiones Staff
The items covered in this section will be the lengthy, grindy ones, that is why I am covering them last, as getting the Khiones Staff makes all of these grinds much easier.
These will be ranked in order of importance
Avery's Ring - This ring provides formidable combat stats whilst also healing us for damage done
Aqua Spirit Shield - This is one of the best off-hands we can obtain for no investment as an Ironman
Collectors Necklace - This necklace automatically banks any item we obtain from drops.
White Glass Wings - These give +1,000 prayer which allows us to use our prayers almost indefinetly
Groudon Pet - This pet gives us 15% Drop Rate and 15% Double Drop Rate which makes farming for items easier
Seers Boots - These boots are one of the best magic boots in-game, they give 5% magic damage, +200 magic attack & +1,100 prayer
Infernal Gloves - These are solid gloves to aim for until you save up the Loyalty Points to buy Mystic Gloves
Eternal Khiones Staff - This staff negates the need for Orbs of Energy for the staff, allowing us to use the Special Attack of the Khiones staff w/o any additional cost (1 in 10 chance to do 2.0x your max hit to your main target)
Averys Ring - Heading back to Revenants to farm 25,000 PKP then exchanging that at the Wilderess Shop at ::shops to buy the Averys Ring
Aqua Spirit Shield - go to ::arcade and aim to complete 30 Waves & leave via the portal the South for the most efficient Tokens per Hour as we cannot complete the Arcade, or get a friend to duo mode complete it for you.
Collectors Necklace - Heading back to Revenants to farm 12,000 PKP then exchanging that at the Wilderness Shop at ::shops to buy the Collectors Necklace
White Glass Wings - These have multiple farmable locations, Torquat at ::starterboss, Mystery Boxes from ::mbox or Crystal Keys from ::mbox
Groudon Pet - Heading to Groudon to farm the pet located in the Boss Teleports
Seers Boots - Farming Olaf at Boss Teleports for the Boots
Infernal Gloves - Farming Necromancer at Boss Teleports for the Gloves
Eternal Khiones Staff - Going to ::upgrade and attempting to upgrade the Khiones Staff (There is a chance you can lose it, so don't use it on your only one)
This concludes the Extras part of the guide!
Part Five: The Optional
You can ::vote when you first join to start the 12 hour cooldown period ASAP & potentially vote a second time that day depending on when you start playing. Voting has the potential to give you donator ranks which have some of the best perks in game such as ::bank to bank anywhere, donator only zones with multiple bosses to farm.
This is not mandatory as everything else can be done without being a donator, this just helps give it a push
Vote Box
Vote Store
Regular Donator
Super Donator
Extreme Donator
This concludes the Optional part of the guide and the guide as a whole!
Hope this helps some people understand what to aim for when they first join, and help those who have already started find their way in farming! 🙂

Revision as of 19:12, 20 December 2020


After putting quite a lot of hours into my Ironman, I have decided to make a guide covering the Early Game phase of being an Ironman and the steps you should be taking in order to set up an easy transition into the Mid Game phase of being an Ironman.

First and foremost, look into the very lengthy & in-depth guide from CJ Bear as it covers the vast majority of basics that I will not be covering too much in this guide

CJ Bears Guide

I'm going to break this guide down into five distinct parts:

The Preliminary

Part One: The Stats.

Part Two: The Weapon

Part Three: The Armour

Part Four: The Extras

Part Five: The Optional

The Preliminary: Starter Tasks

Do these instantly as they'll not only give you a large chunk of coins for buying leveling gear, they will also show you around the game whilst earning us EXP.

Quick commands for the tasks are as follows, be sure to memorize them as they will be used alot:

mbox - Kill Penguin
arcade - Use bones on altar at end of hall
shops - Far right shop buy a spade (Whilst we're here, go to the shop to the left (Sandi Ewoks Weapons & buy a Flame Scimitar))
starterboss - For the bosses, I personally recommend Torquat
home - Brings you home

For the Get Item Info, Right Click the DSCoin & Get Info

Achievements is the Quest Tab (Blue Star) followed by the Achievements List (Green Star)

wiki "your_string" - using ::wiki followed by any word, will query the Wiki with that string. For example ::wiki Slayer will bring you to the Slayer page.
wc - Woodcutting, haven't found much use, but is used for end-game dailies if you don't do raids.

For the Loyalty Streak click the Quest Tab then the Rewards (Hand with 3 gold coins) and select the Second Option

home once more & talk to the purple orb, pick up the easy task just incase it's doable

The tasks I got are: Daily Task which is perfect as 100 Penguins is what we'll be doing. You can choose any of 3 to complete, no need to do all 3

The Preliminary: Assessing the Inventory

First and foremost, go to ::soulroom & bank everything that isn't your 20 Crystal Keys & 3 Mystery Boxes. Open the 3 Mystery Boxes & bank what you get, then open the 20 keys in the Crystal Chest located here: Crystal Chest Location

If you are lucky you will receive Dragonbone Melee armor, a Royal Sicle, Ice Katana, or anything of the sort. In the account I am using to showcase the guide I received the following from my 20 Crystal Keys: Crystal Chest Loot

If you did not get anything like this, do not worry, nothing will change in the guide, just the speed of progression. (I will not be using any of these items, I am just showcasing the potential items you can obtain)

Now onto the main part of the guide!

In Part One I will be covering how to efficiently train our stats to an optimal point we can efficiently farm the monsters required to kickstart our account.

Part One: The Stats

The main damage we will focus on to the start will be Magic, but as Magic is slow to level starting off, we will level our Melee stats as we start with a sword.

For an Ironman, the most effective way to level our stats & gain gear is by going to ::mbox and killing the Penguins.

Start off by training your Attack to 15 followed by 60 Strength.

Getting 15 Attack ensures we never miss and 60 Strength increases our max hit. Once you have obtained 60 Strength swap to Defence and get that to 60.

Follow that up with 60 Attack and you are done with the basics for Melee. Train Strength mainly from here on out as that assists in our max hit, you can change every 10 levels to keep your stats even. The choice is yours!

Ensure you keep the Penguin Bones you collect as they can be used at the altar in ::arcade at the end of the hallway for leveling Prayer, which unlocks powerful Curses & Prayers which assist us in dealing damage with Torment/Turmoil/Anguish and Survivability with Soulsplit!

Keep farming the penguins until you have received Penguin Staff (u)

Once you have obtained this weapon, swap to it + any of the Dragonbone Gear (Needs 60 defence) or better if obtained from Crystal Key + Mystery Boxes (Use ::compare to check which is better) and do your Slayer Task and your Daily Task.

Getting Slayer started early is the most beneficial thing for an Ironman as the points needed for highly coveted item is very grind worthy, so getting it done in your first hour is the strongest start we can have.

Doing our daily task gives us a roll on the loot table which can help kick-start the account, if you're lucky, you can obtain a Donator Ticket which includes some of the best passive bonuses in-game.

That concludes the Stat part of the Guide!

In Part Two I will be covering how to efficiently get one of the best weapons in game which allows us to farm lots of monsters, really quickly.

Part Two: The Weapon

The weapon we will be obtaining is the "Khiones Staff" to obtain this, we will be using the previously farmed Penguin Staff (u) as covered in Part One.

Open the Boss teleports and go to Revenants (Wilderness is safe, no PVP)

As we do not have a Bracelet of Etherium yet you will need to outrange the orcs attacks & focus on the Hobgoblins as shown in this picture

Once you get the Bracelet of Etherium equip it & move further into the cave & AoE the Revenants.

Once you have obtained a Tier 1 Emblem, Tier 2 Emblem & Tier 3 Emblem go to ::shops & turn them into the Wilderness Shopinse & Repeat until you have 25,000 PKP (::pkp to checkhow many you're at)

Go to ::shops & purchase a Khiones Staff from the Wilderness Shop.

Now you have a choice:

1. Call it quits, use Khiones Staff

2. Re-do this grind & go to ::upgrade, attempt to upgrade your Khiones Staff into the Eternal Khiones Staff (I'll come back to this at the end of Part 4)

3. Skip Part Three and remain here until you have completed the steps in Part Four.

The three most optimal places to stand for Revenant Farming are as follows, they are ranked in order of efficiency.

Revanant Central - by attacking the two monsters highlighted in the red box, your staff will aoe the 2 monsters nearby, totaling 6 Revenant packs from two button clicks.

Revenant North - by attacking the three monsters highlighted in the red box, your staff will aoe the monsters nearby.

Revenant South - by attacking any of the monsters highlighted in the red box, your staff will aoe the other two.

This concludes the Weapon part of the guide!

Part Three: The Armour

The Armour Set we will be obtaining is the "Trix Armour" droppable from the Groudon Boss

This is the simplest part and the easiest, open the Teleports tab and go to Bosses then Groudon.

Simply just attack the Groudon, hope for an armour piece & repeat.

This concludes the Armour part of the guide! Super short and sweet!

Part Four: The Extras

The items we will be looking for are as follows: Collectors Necklace, Averys Ring, Groudon Pet, White Glass Wings, American Boxing Gloves, Seers Boots, Aqua Spirit Shield, Eternal Khiones Staff

The items covered in this section will be the lengthy, grindy ones, that is why I am covering them last, as getting the Khiones Staff makes all of these grinds much easier.

These will be ranked in order of importance

Avery's Ring - This ring provides formidable combat stats whilst also healing us for damage done

Aqua Spirit Shield - This is one of the best off-hands we can obtain for no investment as an Ironman

Collectors Necklace - This necklace automatically banks any item we obtain from drops.

White Glass Wings - These give +1,000 prayer which allows us to use our prayers almost indefinetly

Groudon Pet - This pet gives us 15% Drop Rate and 15% Double Drop Rate which makes farming for items easier

Seers Boots - These boots are one of the best magic boots in-game, they give 5% magic damage, +200 magic attack & +1,100 prayer

Infernal Gloves - These are solid gloves to aim for until you save up the Loyalty Points to buy Mystic Gloves

Eternal Khiones Staff - This staff negates the need for Orbs of Energy for the staff, allowing us to use the Special Attack of the Khiones staff w/o any additional cost (1 in 10 chance to do 2.0x your max hit to your main target)

Averys Ring - Heading back to Revenants to farm 25,000 PKP then exchanging that at the Wilderess Shop at ::shops to buy the Averys Ring

Aqua Spirit Shield - go to ::arcade and aim to complete 30 Waves & leave via the portal the South for the most efficient Tokens per Hour as we cannot complete the Arcade, or get a friend to duo mode complete it for you.

Collectors Necklace - Heading back to Revenants to farm 12,000 PKP then exchanging that at the Wilderness Shop at ::shops to buy the Collectors Necklace

White Glass Wings - These have multiple farmable locations, Torquat at ::starterboss, Mystery Boxes from ::mbox or Crystal Keys from ::mbox

Groudon Pet - Heading to Groudon to farm the pet located in the Boss Teleports

Seers Boots - Farming Olaf at Boss Teleports for the Boots

Infernal Gloves - Farming Necromancer at Boss Teleports for the Gloves

Eternal Khiones Staff - Going to ::upgrade and attempting to upgrade the Khiones Staff (There is a chance you can lose it, so don't use it on your only one)

This concludes the Extras part of the guide!

Part Five: The Optional

You can ::vote when you first join to start the 12 hour cooldown period ASAP & potentially vote a second time that day depending on when you start playing. Voting has the potential to give you donator ranks which have some of the best perks in game such as ::bank to bank anywhere, donator only zones with multiple bosses to farm.

This is not mandatory as everything else can be done without being a donator, this just helps give it a push

Vote Box

Vote Store

Regular Donator

Super Donator

Extreme Donator

This concludes the Optional part of the guide and the guide as a whole!

Hope this helps some people understand what to aim for when they first join, and help those who have already started find their way in farming! 🙂