Ultron Pet

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The Ultron Pet is one of the most powerful pets in Redemptionrsps. It is obtainable by upgrading the Thanos Pet at ::upgrade

Perks of Ultron Pet

  • 30% Drop Rate
  • 20% Luck Bonus
  • Healing

And it also has the added bonus of:

  • 15% tribrid damage
  • A 1 in 5 chance of dealing 3x your max hit in damage to your main target

The Ultron Pet has a 90% chance to reward the player with 15,000 Grinder Points at the Item Grinder, worth 1.5b Bronze Coins if points are traded in for Gold Coins. Important: it has a 10% chance to vanish into nothing!

Black Market Dealer Item Grinder Karma Offering Scavenger Shop
Sell / Use: / coins 15,000 points / exp
/ kismets
/ points
Buy / coins / points / kismets / points