Custom Starter Guide

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Custom Starter Title1.png

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On Redemption, you can have your very own custom gear made! If you plan to be a long term player and want to have something that you can always work on upgrading, making your first custom is the way to go.

Here are some benefits of having customs:

  • -You can continue to upgrade them by obtaining free custom credit scrolls in-game.
  • -You can upgrade them to be a lot stronger than normal gear.
  • -You can add a lot of utility and quality of life to customs that normal gear does not have.
  • -You can have your very own unique custom models if you choose to do so.
  • -Customs are permanent, they cannot be traded or sold, unlike normal gear.

If you are making a custom this guide will assume you know basic information about the game, but it will help provide a couple different paths in which you can follow when upgrading your custom.

NOTE: Regardless of this guide, it is YOUR custom. You can build it however you want. This is made to give people a path to follow if they would like to do so.

To see the prices of custom additions and some of the best custom options, go here.

Be sure to really look through that pricing sheet, as it also lists the maximum amount of each option that can be added to any specific custom item.

The price sheet also lists what additions are only able to be added to weapons, armor, and pets.

If you would like to see all of the different ways to obtain Custom Credit Scrolls, go to this page: Obtaining Custom Credit Scrolls.


As seen on the custom price guide from above, stats consist of attack and strength bonus.

For this you would be adding stats for your respective combat style. If you are using a range custom, you would add Range Attack Bonus and Range Strength Bonus.

These are the numbers you see on the right side of your equipment screen in-game.

Tribrid Bonus

Similar to stats, you will add Tribrid Bonus relative to your combat style.

The price on the sheet from above is the price for ONE combat style, meaning if your main combat style is Range, you would add "X"% Range Bonus.

Tribrid Bonus are the numbers you see on the bottom right in your equipment screen in-game.

Damage Multipliers

'Damage Multipliers multiply your damage by X amount depending on what multiplier you have.

You can only have 1 damage multiplier on an item.

Damage Multipliers are seen in the ::compare interface in-game, to see them you will have to scroll to the bottom of the right side.

Other Options

Most of the other options are utility based, such as Attack Distance, AOE, Drop Rate, and Healing Effect.

In this path the main focus will be going for the most damage possible.

Donation Only Upgrade:

Assuming you have a custom weapon, the largest DPS upgrade you can get is upgrading your custom to 4 hits per attack or even 5 hits per attack.

4 hits per attack is an addition that is donation only, so you will either have to donate or buy a donation for it.

If you plan to donate more, 4 hits should be your #1 priority when you are ready to donate again.

5 hits per attack:
- Just like 4 hits, this is a huge DPS upgrade.
- It can be added with scrolls or by donation(it is cheaper using a donation).

The best time to get 5 hits would really be determined on the route you plan to take to get it.
-If you plan to donate for 5 hits, follow Step 1 first with your scrolls you earn in-game.
-If you plan to use scrolls you earned in-game for 5 hits, get it before you start with Step 1.

Step 1:

Your first addition should be adding stats. Here are the 2 best options:

  • Steady Supply of Scrolls: Save up to add 50k stats.
  • Slow Supply of Scrolls: Add 10k stats.

Step 2:

Most custom weapons are going to come with some decent stats on them, but next to no tribrid bonus. The next step would be to add tribrid bonus.

  • Steady Supply of Scrolls: Add 250% tribrid bonus(Melee, Magic, or Range).
  • Slow Supply of Scrolls: Add 50% tribrid bonus.

Step 3:

If you want more damage, your first addition should be a damage multiplier.

You can start out by adding 1/5 for 2x damage using $1,500 in Custom Scrolls.

Other Large Upgrades:

These upgrades are going to be significant upgrades, but difficult to put into a specific spot. They are pricey upgrades.

Additional Hit Effect:
- 1/10 chance for an additional hit(scrolls or donation, it is cheaper when using a donation)
- 1/5 chance for an additional hit(donation only)

An additional hit effect is a strong addition, ideally you would want to add this effect at the later stages of your custom's stats. This effect is more noticeable the stronger your custom is, and a bit less noticeable when its weaker.

Weapon Battle Pass:

Yes, you can add the Weapon Battle Pass to your custom weapon, but not by using the item in-game.

This can only be added to your custom by donation.

This upgrade is a min-max style upgrade. It is a small upgrade, but if you enjoy min-maxing then its a good option for you.

It gives you something to work on for a while, and grants a decent reward for your efforts.

Maxed Weapon Battle Pass Rewards Summarized:

  • 40% Tribrid Bonus(this means if you max your weapons tribrid bonus, it can have a total of 540%)
  • 20% Drop Rate
  • 15% Luck
  • You can have the Weapon Battle Pass textures added to your custom weapon if you wish.

For the utility path, we will focus on quality of life upgrades and utility upgrades.

Step 1:

AOE(weapon only) has a lot of uses around Redemption and is very useful for the price.

For general use around the server, 25x25 AOE is plenty.

If you plan to spend time farming your donator zone, 50x50 is more useful as you will kill more NPC's per attack.

Step 2:

Next upgrade for utility, or more so quality of life, would be max attack distance(weapon only).

With max attack distance you will not be forced to move around as much to get into attack range of NPC's.

Step 3:

Drop Rate. Drop rate is more noticeable at higher numbers, but it is very useful if you do a lot of PVM.

If you would rather continue focusing utility, drop rate is a good thing to stack up.

QOL Upgrade:

A good quality of life upgrade would be adding a healing effect to your custom weapon.

Based on the amount of healing sources that are in the game, this effect is not a necessity, but it can be helpful in some sticky situations.

Note: You do not NEED to max out this effect, even just 1 hp per hit is enough to be useful.

Slayer Additions:

This can only be added to a 3 piece armor set, a cape, and a pet. These add up quick and are very good if you do a lot of consistent slayer.

1: Slayer Point Boost(Max: 5)

2: Slayer Key Boost(Max: 5)

After you are finished with this path, you can move on to the damage path to work on maxing out your damage.

This path will try to give you a mixture of the two paths. Not fully focusing on damage, but not focusing on utility either.

NOTE: While 4 hits should be your priority if you plan to donate again, this will mainly focus on additions that can be added with scrolls.

Step 1:

Now is a good time to add some stats and tribrid bonus.

Similar to in the damage path, if you have a good steady supply of Custom Credit Scrolls, save up to add a bulk amount to your custom.

You can test with an admin to see which option gives you more damage.

Most weapons come with base stats, so it is best to add tribrid bonus before adding more stats.

  • Steady Supply of Scrolls: add 250% Tribrid bonus(it would be 250% in your respective combat style)
  • Slow Supply of Scrolls: add 50% Tribrid bonus

It is good to alternate between tribrid bonus and stats, next add some stats:

  • Steady Supply of Scrolls: 50k stats(depending on your weapon, some might take less to be maxed out)
  • Slow Supply of Scrolls: 10k stats

Step 2:

25x25 AOE or 50x50 AOE

  • If you do a lot of PVMing, but you do not farm your donator zone much, go with 25x25.
  • If you farm your donator zone a lot, 50x50 will be more useful as it will grant you up to twice as many kills per hour.

Step 3:

Max attack distance

  • This is very useful in many places, and can save you time by letting you attack from so much further away.

Step 4:

Damage Multipliers are good after you have stacked a bit of stats and tribrid bonus onto your custom, this should be one of the final upgrades you focus on.

Add a 1/5 chance for 2x damage Multiplier to your custom.

What to do Next:

From here on out your additions will depend heavily on your gameplay.

If you want more damage, keep alternating adding stats and tribrid bonus until your custom is maxed. For more options check out the damage path.

If you want more utility options, check out the utility path to see what upgrade fits your playstyle the best.

The beautiful thing about having your own custom is that you can build it however you want.