Book of The Creator Attachments

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The Book of the Creator can have attachments added to it. These attachments add perks to the book. These attachments can stack with one another.

Each attachment cost 500,000,000 Divine Kismet

There are 4 sockets that these attachments can be added in. The first 3 sockets are free-to-play, with the 4th socket requiring Platinum Partner, Diamond, or an active Membership to access.

Creator Book Attachments.png

Attachment Effect
Slayer Attachment

Grants player +1 slayer key per hard task

Grants player +3 slayer keys per boss task

Grants player 50% chance to receive Slayer Key+ when completing Boss Tasks

Grants player +1 Slayer Point per hard task

Grants player +5 slayer points per boss task

Grants player 25% chance to receive an additional Superior Slayer Teleport when completing boss slayer tasks

Gilded Charm Adds 50% Drop Rate Bonus
Chalice of the Enraged Adds 100% tribrid bonus
Cosmic Pyramid Adds 10,000 stats to Magic, Melee, and Range strength bonuses