Maze Minigame

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The Maze Minigame.png

Redemptionrsps newest Minigame called The Maze Minigame is a minigame with 4 puzzles.

It's quite a challenging minigame but has a good reward when you finish the minigame!

How can i start the minigame?

You can start the minigame by clicking on the Obelisk at home.

Maze teleport.png

Here are the following 4 puzzles:

Puzzle 1:

Maze minigame begin.png

When you click on the Obelisk at home you will start on this spot.

Your mission is to reach the middle (the cube) in 2 minutes, if you fail to reach the Cube you will be forced home and you will start at the beginning of the maze again.

But how can i get to the Cube?

The only way to get to the Cube is finding the right door to reach the middle.

Maze minigame end first puzzle.png

Puzzle 2:

Once you've reached the Cube on the first puzzle you will get teleported to your next puzzle.

Maze second puzzle.png

It's a very easy but annoying puzzle to complete, your objective is to find the right lever out of the 3 other levers.

What will happen if i choose the wrong one?

If you clicked the wrong lever you will start back on puzzle 1.

Puzzle 3:

Your second last puzzle is a fun and not that hard puzzle (In My Opinion). This puzzle is like a Trivia question in Redemptionrsps with some basic questions like:

  • Which NPC drops regular torva?
  • In what code is Redemptionrsps written in?
Maze third puzzle.png

What happens if I have given the wrong answer?

Like puzzle 2 you will begin on puzzle 1 again.

Puzzle 4:

Your last puzzle!!

This is the same idea as puzzle 2 find the right bed.

You can go two ways now:

1: you will fail and start at puzzle 1 again..

2: you have choosen the right bed and you will recieve you reward!

Maze last puzzle.png

Your Reward can be 1-5T!