Custom Donation Prices

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How it Works
To begin, you'll choose a base item from our extensive selection of weapons, armor, and pets. You can browse our current offerings on our website to find the perfect base item for your vision. But don't worry if you don't see exactly what you're looking for - our donation admins are happy to discuss creating a custom base item just for you.

Once you've chosen your base item, our donation admins will work with you to determine the final price, stats, and how to obtain your custom item in-game.

And if you're feeling extra creative, we even offer the option to create a custom model for your gear.

Important Note: Prior to a custom order being processed, you must purchase a base item and at least 1 custom option. You cannot create a custom by only purchasing the base item. Custom Credit Scrolls cannot be used until at least the base item and 1 custom option has been purchased.

Custom Credit Scrolls
Custom Credit Scrolls are scrolls worth dollar amounts in-game that can be used to add to existing custom gear, or in some cases can be used to create new custom items.

The scrolls come in either $1, $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, or $250. The (u) version of the Custom Credit Scrolls cannot be put into the Item Grinder for grinder points, but the regular versions can. If you'd like to see how many grinder points each scroll gives go here.

$5 Custom Credit Scrolls are the only tradable scroll in-game. All other Custom Credit Scrolls are Not Tradeable.

If you would like to learn about all of the methods there are for obtaining Custom Credit Scrolls, go here.

If you would like to see a general guide on what to do with your first custom, go to this page: Custom Starter Guide.

Custom Credit Scroll Usage Example

You must pay full price for the base item and for some customizations such as an item recolor. However, some customizations such as AoE may be purchased exclusively with Custom Credit Scrolls.


You would like a Skull Descimator9000 mainhand that is red and has 50x50 AoE.
Base - $300
Recolor - $100
50x50 AoE - $500
This would total $900. You must pay for the base ($300) and the Recolor ($100), for a total of $400. The remaining $500 Cash Price, $1,000 Scroll Price for the purchase of AoE can be paid with custom credit scrolls.

You only need custom base to be able to add stats.

To see prices for Custom Donations, click here!