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Combat Level 2000
Hitpoints 7500
Slayer Level 1
Aggressive Yes
Attack Style Melee
Attack Speed Monster attack speed 5.gif
Max Hit Unknown
Weakness Melee
Always Drops Charms
Examine It's a Vorago.
Hit Cap
"Vorago" is a gigantic, rocky, and extremely powerful boss monster created by the Anima Mundi, or as he refers to it, the "Earth Soul". He has been billed as the toughest "boss" in Redemptionrsps. He is an ancient being that caused chaos in the past, but was later defeated by a powerful weapon known as the "Maul of Omens", prompting him to fall into a restorative slumber. Vorago used his remaining power to destroy the weapon. Towards the end of the Fifth Age, he awakened, now friendlier, albeit no less powerful. His combat level is; 2000. He also lives in the depths of level 44 wilderness, so watch out! When fighting this boss, you can't use overpowered items like; GlockAssault Rifle, or the Brutal whip.
How to get there
The player can use the teleport interface to get here. To access the interface, press ctrl+x.

Possible Loots
Item Quantity Rarity
Ring of Morphing.png Ring of Morphing 1 Uncommon
Vorago Jr.png Vorago Jr 1 Uncommon
Maul Of Omens.png Maul Of Omens 1 Uncommon