Anti-Afk System

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On July 31, 2020 a new afk system was implemented. Previously, the staff team would rely upon patterns and random afk checks to catch players who were botting or auto-clicking PvM.

The new system revolves around the combat system. Any player who is quote "in combat for an extended period of time" has a small chance to be targeted for being afk whilst in combat. The longer you are in combat, the more chances there are that you will be detected.

This system will NOT target people who have an active Potion of Aggression. Nor will this affect players that are out of combat. In order for the check timer to be reset, a player must be out of combat for 2 minutes.

Due to the system being focused upon combat, the rules allowing players to auto-click and afk skilling are still allowed.

The New system is as follows:

  • When the system finds a target, that individual will be teleported to jail.
  • Upon arrival, the player will be supplied with a pickaxe, and asked to mine 150 tine ore to be delivered to the jailer.
  • Once 150 ore are given to the jailer, the player will be freed.