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7/7 In-Game Updates


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[CENTER][B]Hello Everybody![/B]

Today we are releasing a update list that is decent. However, it is not as good as my last list because it has more bug fixes than features added into the game. There are a few things I want to stress about this update,

[B][U]Duel Arena[/U][/B]
Currently in Beta for staff; It is not 100% done the Same Weapon & Whip 2 Dds option does not work yet.

Due to my last teleport dialogue change, it is urging me to make more unique content into the server. I am going to be working on adding more attack-able npc's around the server with unique rewards.

[B][U]What will I be working on for the future?[/U][/B]
Some things I am working on that I will be wanting to get released to the server will be:
New hit splats
New loading bar
New login screen
New client background
We have a new donation system coming out next update that will be,
[CENTER]You donate for credits on the website using bitmicro; With this there will be more options to donate other than PayPal!!
With the credits you receive in-game there will be 3-4 donator shops that you can spend your credits at.
With this we might be releasing a new website.

Here is my update list; It is mostly bug fixes. [/B]
[COLOR=#b30000]The 'Tab to reply' is not fixed until next client update.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[*][LEFT]::rank has been fixed/added for Super Donators & Sponsors[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]A ::thread command has been added to open forum threads in-game (Use as ::thread 'THREAD ID')[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]::frosts has been made donator only; You can still kill frost dragons at easts wilderness or ice plateau[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]Item dropping has been made so it does not appear on the ground for everybody but staff.[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]The error message when there is no donation to claim has been changed.[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]Added commands ::whatismyip and ::whatismymac[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]Bug tester rank has been added to the game.[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]Duel arena has been added for all staff members[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]Everybody but players and regular donators can now access super donator zone & super donator dungeon[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]The ::home message has been changed to display the player that is teleporting home's name.[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]The 2 option dialogue to refill special now has correct puncutation.[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]Media Managers have been given all administrator commands except for spawning[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]An 'Frost Dragon Dungeon' option has been added to the donator dungeons dialogue on the equipment tab.[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]More frost dragons have been added to the frost dragon dungeon[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]Any messages that contain the word 'PkPoints' now has a space to display as 'Pk Points'.[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]There is now a 5 second timer on the ::donated & ::claimweb commands to decrease the chance of "Server Nulls".[/LEFT]
[*][LEFT]A bug due to when attempting to teleport out of a zombie minigame when not in a zombie minigame has been fixed.[/LEFT]
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