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Bigg Conner

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Everything posted by Bigg Conner

  1. When im not on the list :( Sad times ​(If you remember Sneaker3l4 / Mod Sneaker at all) But true that :P
  2. [QUOTE="k2k, post: 82574, member: 7107"]I believe Tyrant is fairly new, so you also need to thank old developers.[/QUOTE] That is true. However, most of the Devs ive seen on this server have produced a good amount of work. This is the first update I've seen Tyrant do and it's more than all of the other dev's ive seen.
  3. Wow.. These updates make me wanna cry, DreamScape has come so far and you're one of the reasons that has happened. Thank you, Tyrant.
  4. Oo this is a really good post Tyrant :D They look very enticing too.
  5. Yay. New Forums pic made :P

  6. Note to self: Make a Forums Pic

  7. @[3783:@Bench Press] When's your next Zero to Hero Video!? I NEED TO WATCH THEM!!

    1. Bench Press

      Bench Press

      Im currently working on it! It'll be up in some hours :)
    2. Bigg Conner

      Bigg Conner

      @[3783:@Bench Press] Yay! I can't wait :)
  8. @[2315:@Bale] Don't make me cry again.. :')

    1. Bale


      baby come back..you can blame it all not on meeeeeeeEEEEE!!! :)
    2. Bigg Conner

      Bigg Conner

      Hahaha :D *Moves away slowly, crying*
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