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About PL_

PL_'s Achievements

  1. Owner(s) Chuck (Owner) - Haven't seen him on yet, but looking at the server he's very good at his job. CjBear (Co-Owner) Don't see them in-game in my time so far, but the helpful forums posts are by them, so for that I would say this is a very helpful person. Manager(s) Feeds (Server Manager) - Someone I've yet to see in-game. Lt Limes (Head Support) I've yet to see them in-game. Administrator(s) Jason (Administrator) - I don't know him to well, heard nothing bad about them. Australia (Administrator) - See this person constantly doing deals, helping, or having fun seems great for a leader. Bodhi (Forum Administrator, Server Support) - Seems nice, yet to see in-game, but anyone ready and open to take criticism is very good in my eyes, I can only wait to see them around. Moderator(s) Regis (In-Game Moderator) Seems very helpful from what I've learned so far. Server Support(s) Jota (Server Support) - Seems very nice and the only reason I know of this because of them posting in chat, seems to be helping constantly. Afade (Server Support) - I don't know this person very well, unfortunately. What do you think of the Server? Is there something you'd like to see change? Unfortunately I'm not to familiar with the staff yet, but what I think of this server so far, this genuinely doesn't feel like a rsps which is a nice change. After being on servers I love, having them get shutdown from jagex, or the owner just giving up, there's a large amount of servers that are just missing.. something to make it fun, it's almost rush max/comp, make money, pvm. This servers a bit different there, it has the hint of Runescape, but feels new/fresh, the customs, with custom attack animations, the aoe weapons, prestige slayer to get new shops. I'm looking foward to just learning, reading the wiki for hours to get a grasp of aspects of the game, and to see how people react to drops/donations, and how they joke. Change, I don't think, its definitely different learning the early game, but its there the daily challenges are awesome, good rewards from Ckeys, at this current moment I can't think of a change at my current point in the game, I love it. What do you think of our latest updates? On what should we focused at? Latest update with Vorkath, I loved that boss on 07, so hoping its near the same is amazing to me, I love seeing the constant updates and new content, shows life in the staff/game, Please keep it up. I'd love to see continuing focus on mid/end-game pvm, doesn't need to always be best money maker, just fun to spice things up, keep it up!
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