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Everything posted by Sinzzu

  1. Need help? have any questions regarding the game?

    feel free to pm me on forums,discord or ingame :)

  2. Love the honesty! Thank you for sharing boss, we support you no matter what.
  3. Good good, let the grind rise and continue.
  4. Welcome, i personally enjoy the community the most,id you have any suggestions towards the wiki, be aure to post them on discord with spesific stuff that you want to get added/changed and 90%time it will happen.
  5. Welcome mate,if you have any questions feel free to pm me via forums/ing/discord Best of luck on your journey in redemption
  6. Goodluck to everyone who entered the 1h gp challenge.

  7. We Have a Button under The minimap, that should do The trick
  8. Amazing feedback hope The staff sees this❤️
  9. Welcome Back Be sure to hop on The new discord aswell
  10. Goodnight Redemption ?

    hope every one feeling well.

  11. Welcome to redemption,If you need any help or assistance feel free to PM me or join help CC ingame Be sure to Tune on discord we sometimes Have our karaoke nights
  12. Sinzzu


    Welcome to The server Make sure to check out discord For some ::events
  13. Welcome Back mr gambling manager, Time to Make #trusteddicer relevant again, let me know of you need any assistance on catching up to The game.
  14. Welcome Back both of you, If you boys need any assistance feel free to PM me
  15. looks like some sweet ironman rng right there congratz ?
  16. Sinzzu


    Welcome mate,If you need any assistance feel free to PM me
  17. Sinzzu


    Welcome Back, remember to join to discord to maximize The fun your having
  18. Welcome, If you need any help just hit me up on forums ing or discord
  19. Welcome and hope you enjoy Ur stay, If you need any help just hit me up
  20. Welcome, Haha its something to get used to at first, If you ever feel like your Lost what would Be an upgrade For you next wiki helps with that
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