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About Quackers

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Quackers's Achievements

  1. Thanks for hosting the event! Love me some scav exp!
  2. Also 35 and 36! https://gyazo.com/83545bf05f4ce51a1643e3555b8c9c18 https://gyazo.com/c605a5c05c919b925272972b530cdb59
  3. And 42 ? https://gyazo.com/5740acff48dc779b409bb53ca6a35682
  4. Can I have 20 and 25? https://gyazo.com/9f678fbc59b4f67e4aa9055ad431f6d4 https://gyazo.com/f2a0f3c6c6e4e92ff1b4abd15e1d04ab
  5. More events from the one and only Bodhi! Oh Yeah! And good luck to everyone.
  6. Nice job on the update! Cant wait to grind for the new items! And so glad to see the old dicezone back! ?
  7. Totally agree with this. I understand that its the old area and people loved it, but its just to small. If you are fping and have a few RP, half the space is taken up just from that. =/
  8. Thanks for the boxes man! Love these kind of events, keep up the great work!
  9. 100% agree. Lamps are such a pain to use. Would make things so much easier without a negative effect!
  10. Ign: Quackers Can I get 16? https://gyazo.com/d9e0b7ff02b5ad2f6cababfc0e60a75c https://gyazo.com/39059c7735c4dc4e9a314c994e9f0e1b Oh can I also get 10? ? https://gyazo.com/cf47c4ee7e6ddc16ddc66b8ed416ee9d https://gyazo.com/0ae16bd68742d29e3f669693bcae8763
  11. Great update! Love how hard you guys work to provide amazing content for us!
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